Aprons & Ties - End of Line


Simon Drew Aprons100% white cotton
Approx. 34 inches long and 24 inches wide all now  £5.95


AP81 heavier cotton green apron with white pocket £9.50
100% green cotton, with a pocket.

*Hover above each image to magnify the design

AP81 Incapability Brown
(Green Apron With Pocket)


AP61 Buy One : Get One Flea


AP60 Calories


AP58 Wine Tasting


AP57 Champagne


AP53 Resting Under the North Face of the Aga


AP51 Springers in the Air


AP46 Beer is Proof God loves Us


AP81 Incapability Brown (Green Apron with Pocket) - £9.50
AP61 Buy One Get One Flea - £5.95
AP60 When Cooking, food licked off spoons has no calories £5.95 
AP58 Wine Tasting - £5.95
AP57 Champagne - £5.95
AP53 North Face of the Aga - £5.95
AP51 Springers in the Air - £5.95
AP46 Beer is Proof God Loves us and Wants us to be Happy  -  £5.95



Woven Silk Ties to clear


TIE2 Puffin nuffin
TIE3 The Joy of Sets


Printed Silk Ties to Clear

TIE5 Mole in One
TIE6 What Ales Thee
TIE7 moled Wine


Woven Silk Ties to clear

SALE PRICE - WAS £25.00 NOW £12.50 EACH

Ref. number Design Background colour
TIE2 Puffin Nuffin Navy blue
TIE3 The Joy of Sets Navy blue


Printed Silk Ties to clear

SALE PRICE - WAS £25.00 NOW £10.50 each

Ref. number Design Background colour
TIE5 Mole in One Sky blue
TIE6 What Ales Thee? Navy blue
TIE7 Moled Wine Yellow



Phone: +44 (0)1803 832832       Email: info@simondrew.co.uk